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Table 1 Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. akhurstii SL0708 metabolic characteristics

From: Growth kinetics and pathogenicity of Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. akhurstii SL0708


Phase I

Intermediate phase

Phase II

NBTA colony culture

Greenish with light green-yellow halo.

Brown with small translucent zone surrounding the colony, it can be green or yellow.

Dark red, does not present translucent zone surrounding the colony.

NBTA colony morphology

Mucous or creamy texture, convex elevation, entire colony margin, round, and shiny.

Mucous or creamy texture, translucent margin, burgundy center, convex elevation, entire colony margin, round, and shiny.

Sticky texture, high adhesiveness to culture media, flat, round, defined regular margin, opaque.


Yes, evidenced in the dark.

Partial, it cannot be seen at simple eyesight in the dark.

Slight or absent, it cannot be seen at simple eyesight in the dark.