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Table 1 Accumulative mortality percentages of Bactrocera zonata full-grown larvae with different concentrations under laboratory conditions at day 3 post experiment

From: Efficacy of different entomopathogenic nematode isolates, against the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Saund.) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Entomopathogenic Nematode strains (EPNs)


Mortality %

250 IJs/ml

500 IJs/ml

1000 IJs/ml

1500 IJs/ml

2000 IJs/ml

Steinernema. carpocapsae (AII)

2.5 f

15.0 e

37.5 d

50.0 c

70.0 b

92.5 a

S. carpocapsae (EGAZ10)

2.5 e

7.5 e

27.5 d

42.5 c

57.5 b

85.0 a

Heterorhabditis. bacteriophora (HP88)

2.5 d

10.0 d

35.0 c

30.0 c

50.0 b

77.5 a

H. indica (EGAZ2)

2.5 d

7.5 d

22.5 c

27.5 c

47.5 b

72.5 a

  1. Values followed by the same letter in the same raw are not significantly different at P = 0.05