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Table 5 Impact of release of biocontrol agents against C. punctiferalis on number and yield of marketable guava fruits during winter season, 2020–21

From: Evaluation of augmentative biological control options against fruit and shoot borer, Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in guava in India


No. of marketable fruits/tree*

Fruit yield (kg/tree)**

Yield/acre (MT)

T. chilonis—1000 parasitized eggs/tree

339.40 ± 8.08c

32.58 ± 0.78c

4.30 ± 0.10c

T. chilonis—1500 parasitized eggs/tree

369.80 ± 7.48b

35.50 ± 0.72b

4.69 ± 0.09b

T. chilonis—2000 parasitized eggs/tree

405.00 ± 9.35a

38.88 ± 0.90a

5.13 ± 0.12a

C. blackburni—100 adults/tree

285.20 ± 10.61d

27.38 ± 1.02d

3.89 ± 0.17d

C. blackburni—150 adults/tree

293.20 ± 13.78d

28.15 ± 1.32d

3.71 ± 0.17d

C. blackburni—200 adults/tree

307.40 ± 13.03d

29.51 ± 1.25d

3.61 ± 0.13d

Untreated control

249.00 ± 12.22e

23.90 ± 1.17e

3.15 ± 0.15e

F value






p value


 < 0.0001

  1. *Mean (± SE) of 5 replications; **no. of trees/acre = 132; average weight of fruit = 96 g; Means followed by different letters, (p < 0.05) within column differ significantly