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Table 3 Appearance of the first flower, number of fruits, and fruit weight of chili introduced by actinobacteria isolates

From: Screening of indigenous actinobacteria as biological control agents of Colletotrichum capsici and increasing chili production


First flowers emergence

Number of fruit

Fruit weight (g)

ARTI 3221

63.00 a

39.00 ef

142.17 d

ARAC 2211

63.00 a

62.00 a

210.53 a

ARAC 3221

63.00 a

43.33 cde

151.75 cd

ARAI 3221

63.00 a

49.66 bc

169.85 bc

ARTI 1312

65.33 ab

50.33 bc

173.42 bc

ARSI 1121

65.33 ab

38.00 ef

139.00 de

ARAI 3312

65.33 ab

39.00 ef

139.96 d

ARTI 3112

65.33 ab

42.66 cdef

149.23 cd

ARAC 3321

65.33 ab

49.00 bcd

171.55 bc

ARSI 2112

67.66 abc

43.00 cdef

151.78 cd

ARTI 3311

67.66 abc

50.00 bc

172.92 bc

ARTI 3121

67.66 abc

40.66 def

153.33 cd


70.00 abc

34.33 fg

113.44 e

ARSC 2311

70.00 abc

54.33 ab

187.25 ab

ARAI 3211

70.00 abc

48.66 bcd

169.51 bc

ARAI 3121

70.00 abc

44.33 cde

154.24 cd

ARAI 1211

70.00 abc

43.33 cde

153.26 cd

Negative control

72.33 bc

25.66 g

83.45 f

Positive control

74.66 c

25.66 g

83.57 f

Variety coefficient




  1. Numbers followed by the same lowercase letter in the same column are not significantly different according to LSD at the 5% level