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Table 1 Percent mortality of wheat stink bug adults to three different concentrations of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) from isolated Turkey [Steinernema carpocapsae (Black sea isolate) (S.c), S. feltiae (isolate 09-31) (Aydin isolate) (S.f), and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (isolate 09-43) (Aydin isolate) (H.b)] on wheat stink bug, Aelia rostrata adults at 15 °C and 12 °C (first and second repetitions) (P < 0.05)

From: Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematode isolates from Turkey against wheat stink bug, Aelia rostrata Boheman (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) adults under laboratory conditions

EPN species and concentrations

15 °C

12 °C

Mortality (%)

(first repetition)

Mortality (%)

(second repetition)

Mortality (%)

(first repetition)

Mortality (%)

(second repetition)

S.c (25 IJ cm−2)

65.00 ab*

65.00 a*

55.00 a*

50.00 ab*

S.c (125 IJ cm−2)

60.00 abc

60.00 ab

50.00 ab

60.00 a

S.c (200 IJ cm−2)

75.00 a

75.00 a

65.00 a

70.00 a

S.f (25 IJ cm−2)

45.00 bcd

35.00 bcd

25.00 bc

30.00 bc

S.f (125 IJ cm−2)

60.00 abc

55.00 abc

45.00 ab

50.00 ab

S.f (200 IJ cm−2)

65.00 ab

65.00 a

55.00 a

50.00 ab

H.b (25 IJ cm−2)

20.00 def

10.00 de

10.00 c

10.00 cd

H.b (125 IJ cm−2)

15.00 ef

20.00 de

15.00 c

15.00 cd

H.b (200 IJ cm−2)

35.00 cde

30.00 cd

25.00 bc

25.00 bcd

Control (25 IJ cm−2)

0.00 f

0.00 e

0.00 c

0.00 d

Control (125 IJ cm−2)

0.00 f

0.00 e

0.00 c

0.00 d

Control (200 IJ cm−2)

0.00 f

0.00 e

0.00 c

0.00 d

  1. *Values with different letters in the same column are statistically different from each other