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Table 1 Effect of feeding on parasitized, non-parasitized, and mummified aphids on the C. septempunctata biological parameters (mean ± S.E)

From: Effect of parasitized prey on prey consumption, survival, growth, and development of Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) under laboratory conditions

Prey type

Biological parameters

No. of prey consumed

Mass gained (mg)

Developmental time (no. of days)

Non-parasitized aphids

22.65 ± 0.50b†

19.25 ± 0.86b

12.15 ± 0.34b

Parasitized aphids

24.10 ± 0.53a

26.25 ± 0.89a

12.55 ± 0.35b

Aphid mummies

9.75 ± 0.40c

10.20 ± 0.52c

13.6 ± 0.39a

  1. †Means (± standard error of means) followed by different letters (a, b, and c) in the same column are significantly different according to Duncan’s multiply range test (p < 0.05)