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Fig. 3 | Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control

Fig. 3

From: The nematicidal potentiality of some algal extracts and their role in enhancement the tomato defense genes against root knot - nematodes

Fig. 3

POD (a), PPO (b), and chitinase (c) relative gene expression in roots of tomato plants inoculated with M. incognita (N) and treated with C. officinalis (Co + N), C. mediterranea (Cm + N), U. fasciata (Uf + N) extracts and the nematicide, oxamyl (Ox + N). Untreated un-inoculated plants served as control (C). The expression level of the target genes were normalized relative to 18S rRNA gene and relative expression of untreated control plants at each time were set as 1. Each value represents mean ± S.E (n = 3)

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