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Table 1 Antifungal, antagonistic, enzymatic, and plant growth promoting activity of isolate BA5

From: In vitro study of biocontrol potential of rhizospheric Pseudomonas aeruginosa against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum



Antifungal activity

% mycelial growth inhibition (± SD)a

 Volatile compound(s)b

31.11 ± 0.57**

 24 h CFCFc

45.83 ± 2.08*

 48 h CFCFd

54.16 ± 0.57**

Antagonistic properties


 HCN productione


 CLP surfactant productionf

 Siderophore production


Enzymatic properties






Plant growth promotion properties


 Phosphate solubilizationg


 Zinc solubilizationh


 Organic acid production


 Nitrogenase activity

 IAA production

 Ammonia production


 In vitro biofilm formation


  1. aEffect of volatile compound(s) and cell-free culture filtrate (CFCF) from isolate BA5 on mycelial growth inhibition of Foc. bMycelial growth was measured after 72 h of culture in sealed Petri dish. c & d CFCF obtained from 24- and 48-h-old culture broth of isolate BA5, respectively. * and ** significant at P ≤ 0.05 and P ≤ 0.001 level, respectively. eHCN hydrocyanic acid. fCLP cyclic lipopeptide. The test medium was supplemented with insoluble gtri-calcium phosphate and hzinc oxide, respectively. “+” indicates positive activity and “−” indicates no activity