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Table 2 Mean comparison of growth and developmental parameters of M. javanica on tomato plants inoculated and non-inoculated with plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria, P. fluorescens, P. polymyxa, P. striata, and B. subtilis under greenhouse conditions

From: Evaluation of four rhizobacteria on tomato growth and suppression of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica under greenhouse conditions, a pilot study


No. galls/1 g root

No. egg masses/1 g root

No. eggs/egg mass

No. J2 /100 g soil

Reproductive factor (RF)

M. javanica

27.25 a

29.75 a

260.00 a

268.00 a

112.15 a

P. fluorescens + M. javanica

13.75 b

15.75 b

131.00 bc

136.00 b

24.94 b

P. striata + M. javanica

16.25 b

18.00 b

201.00 ab

153.00 b

33.20 b

B. subtilis + M. javanica

14.50 b

15.25 b

128.00 bc

129.50 b

24.69 b

P. polymyxa + M. javanica

14.50 b

14.75 b

123.50 c

129.50 b

28.51 b

  1. RF: the ratio of the final population to the primary population of the nematode \( Rf=\frac{Pf}{Pi} \)
  2. Values followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly different using LSD test (P ≤ 0.01, n = 4)